Gunnerus Award Laureates

The Gunnerus Award symbol is based on a meadow buttercup from 1767 in J. E. Gunnerus’ herbarium. Gunnerus was the founding father of the The Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters (DKNVS).
The conferring institutions and Johan Ernst Gunnerus
The international Gunnerus Sustainability Science Award is a collaboration between the Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters (DKNVS) – Norway’s oldest scientific institution and the original founder of the prize, and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology – Norway’s largest university. The prize is awarded every two years.
The Gunnerus Award is named in the honor of bishop Johan Ernst Gunnerus (1718-1773), the founding father of DKNVS.
Gunnerus became Norway’s first internationally acclaimed naturalist. His legacy is still very much felt in Trondheim, the city from which he led the Society.
Contact information
The Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters
Det Kongelige Norske Videnskabers Selskab (DKNVS)
Elvegata 17, 7012 Trondheim, Norway
Telephone: +47 94 78 79 78
E-mail: post AT
Facebook #dknvs1760