Members of the board from 1 January 2020


Elected members

President: May Thorseth, professor NTNU

Vice President: Asta Kristine Håberg, professor SFI / CIUS Leader NTNU.
Leader, humanities division: Jakob Maliks, professor NTNU
Leader, natural sciences division: Jostein Grepstad, professor NTNU

Appointed members

Appointed by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology: Dean of the Faculty of Education, Anne Kristine Børresen
Appointed by the Ministry of Education and Research: CEO Innovation Norway, Vigdis Harsvik
Appointed by the NTNU University Museum: Director of the NTNU University Museum, Hans K. Stenøien


For Jostein Grepstad: Øyvind Ellingsen, NTNU
For Jakob Maliks: Geir Arild Espnes, NTNU
For Anne Kristine Børresen: Øyvind Weiby Gregersen, NTNU
For Vigdis Harsvik, Innovation Norway: Nina Straume Stene, KPMG
For Hans K. Stenøien: Solveig Bakken, NTNU University Museum


Preses i DKNVS, professor May Thorseth

Professor May Thorseth is elected president from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2022. Photo: Thor Nielsen/DKNVS: 

The board: From left: deputy Øyvind Weiby Gregersen, Vice-President Asta Kristine Håberg, board member Berit Rian, President May Thorseth, board member Reidar Andersen, board member Jostein Grepstad (leader nature-science class), board member Øystein Ekroll (leader humanities class). 

Foto: Thor Nielsen/DKNVS